Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Popularity of my research topic

This is a kind of meta-analysis for my research topic called "5S" that often refers to as "housekeeping" or "workplace organisation" in the West. Actually, 5S is more than a tool and therefore those definition are narrowly defined.

Please do not believe what is written about 5S in Wikipedia. It is based on partial understanding and the article is still developing. We need to wait and see how it evolves. In my view, 5S is a principle for better management. I am discussing the reason in my thesis. My first journal article is in press and part of my argument is included in it. You will see why 5S is not just a tool.

Anyway, this small study was only part of my literature review. By using the Emerald Insight database, I searched for the number of 5S-related articles have already been written. It was only 163 articles! Most of them mentioned just the word "5S", nothing else (I need to dig down it). The typical description was "... quality (or lean) tools such as kanban, ...(other terms) and 5S". That is it. No reference was given due to no description of 5S.

The leading scholar is Sam Ho as he provides more than 10 articles on 5S. However, some of them are just description of five words which comprises 5S and mainly the replication of Osada's (1991) work. Other articles were written based on Hirano's (1995) workbook or adoption of Ho's description. The Productivity Press Development Team (1996) published a summary version of Hirano's (1995) workbook that most of those academic articles used as reference.

It is obvious that 5S has not really been studied. I might have to take an exploratory approach. My initial look tells there are less than 50 articles on 5S in total and those are mostly conceptual papers. Why I have chosen this topic that looks not really attractive? Yes, it is attractive as the graph shows an increased occurance of 5S-related articles. The number os quality and lean literature (5S-related articles) increases, the more interest in 5S would grow.

When decomposing all 5S-related articles, 77% of those look like I can incorporate in my literature review in some degree. My next task is to investigate what is written in these 127 articles. I already done my literature review and wrote a chapter, but this small study would help to build my review chapter in a more systematic manner.

*Full references are not provided for some reasons.

Saturday, 27 October 2007

How to cite non-English text?

Does anyone know how to cite non-English text?
I mean, how can I provide own translation of non-English text?

I have found that Author A used a block quote to cite text in a Swedish article by Author B. Provided text by Author A was in English. This indicates that the author A translated Swedish text written by Author B. No indication of translation was given.

I think this is a matter of validation.

I was thinking to use Author A to mention what Author B said. This is possible by the use of a secondary citation. However, secondary citation needs to me mimimal. The best way is to translate Author B's work by myself. But I will become the same as Author A. No validation.

Friday, 12 October 2007

Data Collection... Ooops!

As an academic researcher, I experienced a disaster.

Yesterday, I went into an organisation "to discuss a data collection process". That was my plan. However, a manager suddenly started to tell stories. It was formal because the time and date were arranged in advance. It supposed to be semi-structured with open questions but turned out to be unstructured. I did not have time to ask if I could record his voice. Holly #$%&!! I decided not to stop him and write down his talk.

The manager was so enthsiastic and supportive. But he just kept going his talk. It was around for 45 minutes. He already answered more than half of questions I prepared (but I did not show him). After he finished his talk, I said what I wanted for my research. He said he will organise another time for me. Recording should be no problem... but next time.

Then, we had a company tour. The manager show me around, explained and talked his concerns. Again, it was not all recorded. It was all informal, unstractured interviews... No, it was not. It was a narrative or story.

Hey, ethonographers! How can you guys do observation and interviews at once? It was so hard for me to talk with the managers while looking around the site. I was lucky because my supervisors were with me. They listened to the manager. I could write down some things. But I missed some part of his talk when my eyes were on some places.

You can say, "it should be recorded". Nah... it is easy to say, but hard to do in the noisy plant. I can guarantee that recording does not work in such an environment. It is physically and technically impossible unless I take a journalist approach (that means my research is not be academic any more).

My eyes can look at only one thing at a time.
My hands can write down only one thing at a time.
My ears can listen to only one thing at a time.

I could not listen to the manager's talk and the sound in the plant (it is important thing for my research) at once. While I wrote down the feature of the plant, I could not write down what the manager said. How could researchers in the pre-technology-age manage and accomplish such tough task... without recording devices? Although those divices were available, how can we record the sounds of more than two places at once?

Incorporating interviews (conversations) into participant observation is technically impossible. They need to be seperated, but they never can independently occur in reality.

Anyway, I have got some documents as well. Other materials are also coming soon. Next time I will organise another interviews, another site observation with photo-taking and photo-interviews.

I have a lot of data but I feel like I did not get any.

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

The Methodology Chapter

It has finally been done...
  1. Intorduction
  2. The nature of management research
  3. Research orientation: nominarist ontology + anti-positivist epistemology
  4. Theoretical perspective: interpretivism, symbolic interactionism
  5. Methodology: case study
  6. Method: multiple methods
  7. Issues on Case Study
  8. Conclusion

My supervisor who recently submitted his own PhD thesis separated the "Research Design" part from the Methodology chapter. I follow this format at this stage.

Now, I can move onto writing Chapter 2: Literature Review. The reason for writing my thesis in reversed way is for quality assurance and improvement of consistency. I have already done my draft on this chapter. Thus, it is not actually "writing". Rather, it is at the revising stage.

Then, I will write Chapter 1: Introduction. I know this is the most critical part. I have started writing this chapter at the early stage then soon realised it is impossible to be completed until I finish Literature review and Methodology chapters. In qualitative research, it is very risky to have a priori assumptions, models, theories, and so forth. I have to write the Chapter 1: Introduction using the past tense anyway. It is impossible to write anything using the past tense because I have not done anything yet. I could write only one section, "Background of this research".

Tomorrow, I will visit an organisation to discuss about my plan and arrange a schedule for interviwing.

Saturday, 29 September 2007

Since then...

More than 3 months have passed since I stopped writing this blog. I was trying to have a contact with an organisation, it falied, I had another chance, it succeeded... and so forth. Finally, I have obtained an offer to enter a site which is on 11th October.

My research is about 5S, as a management concept, which is often adopted in manufacturing, particularly in the automotive industry. However, the organisation I will look at is dealing with public service. How interesting?!

At the same time, I was struggling with setting research orientation, theoretical framework, methodology and methods --- the whole methodology chapter. Developing interview questions was the hardest task ever. Each question needs to be linked to the researcher's ontology and epistemology, as well as to the result of literature review and thus to the primary research question.

How many people actually have considered and done it? I suspect.

Now, my research orientation consists of nominarist ontology and interpretivist epistemology. I did not like to adopt "social constructionism" for ontology and "anti-positivism" for epistemology. In my view, reality is not socially constructed. I think this term is best suitable in sociology, but not in management research. I do not want to argue against positivism because my previous research adopted a quantitative method (content analysis). I cannot be an anti-positivist.

My theoretical framework is symbolic interactionism. My methodology is to be hermaneutic-phenomenology, but with suspect. I know that it is definitely not grounded theory because my goal is not generation of theory. My goal is developing a conceptual framework or model towards theory. What is wrong with this?

Someone told me, "You need to build a theory at the end since you are a qualitative researcher". Huh??? Who said that? Did Max Weber say that?

Only one thing is very clear to me... many qualitative researchers misunderstand that we have to generate theory out of research findings. Theory generation is only possible when the researcher used grounded theory. Since grounded theory is too attractive as it has a concrete set of methodological concepts and procedures, many qualitative researcher have mistakenly used it as a "grounded theory approach". Because they believe that theory generation is only the way that can compete against positivist's theory testing and varification or explanation of causal relationships.

Researchers in the critical theorist paradigm can contribute to existing knowledge by discovering and revealing hidden issues/factors. They do not deal with theory generation. They suggest alternatives to existing theories. This is a respectful contribution. Similarly, interpretivist researchers can contribute to existing knowledge by describing unknown or unfamiliar issues, problems, phenomenon, and so forth, using the ability of Verstehen (understanding). Why is this not good enough? Why not can you respect this contribution?

Anyway, my method is still a case study. Its design is still multiple-holistic. The case for this study is a 5S program in an organisation and unit of analysis is thus organisation. This is because my study is not about organisations, but a 5S program. Each case of 5S needs to be integrated as a 5S practice within an Australian management context. Individuals within each unit (organisation) act as representatives of the organisation. My research is not study of individuals' perceptions or collective behaviour. My study investigate the meaning of 5S through interactions between people and the 5S program, like studies in Human-Computer Interactions. My research subject is one, 5S, like ethonographers study a perticular culture through people.

Data collection methods involve: formal and informal semi-structured interviews with open questions; photo-elicitation (a combination of photo-recording and interviews); and participant observations with a interrupting stance. Documents and physical artefacts are also needed. Another set of literature review is also required as secondary data.

Data analysis methods include: critical incident analysis; thematic analysis; qualitative content analysis; and perhaps analytic induction. I attempt to achieve trustworthiness of this research. Thus I will not use terms validity and reliability to assure the quality standard of my research. This can be done the use of quality audit methods used in management. It is very practical.

The issue with my research is generalisation. However, I do not need to concern statistical generalisation. Rather, I would have to concern theoretical generalisation. My final outputs are to be integrated as local knowledge, thus it would be subjected to transferbility. This could be assured by reviewing original (Japanese) 5S literature. Bcause case organisations cannot read Japanese so that they do not know what the original 5S concept is.

Another issue immediately will occur. How can I demonstrate whether statements in the Japanese 5S literature are adequately translated (without bias)? Perhaps I will have to use Brisline's "back translation technique" which is very costly.

This is all I have been working on.

Friday, 22 June 2007

Ethical Clearance Approved!

I received a letter from the Ethics Committee that my application was officially approved and confirmed. Now I can start collecting data. Yes, Yes!!

It took longer time than I imagined. However, it was not as difficult as I thought. Some students took more than 3 months that is usual. One example took almost a year!

I am so happy. Now I only have to wait for a reply from organisations which I am accessing.

Tuesday, 19 June 2007

This is the letter: PhD Confirmation

Dear Kay,

I am pleased to advise that the Dean, Griffith Graduate Research School has executively approved the recommendation from the Griffith Business School that your Doctor of Philosophy candidature be confirmed. Please find a copy of the assossors' comments to guide you in your research.

Congratulations on this achievement and best wished for the reminder of your candidature.

Yours sincerely

Research Higher Degrees Officer

... That's it!

Sunday, 17 June 2007

Methodology: Take 2

This semester is over. Bye-bye, students! I can have a peaceful time for a while.

My article got another twist and was sent to "Management Decision" journal. My supervisors say, "Squeeze your lemon". This is to be my second publication. I wish it will be accepted.

I have to start organising my finance for next semester as International students have to pay upfront. It costs over $9000 per semester. Everytime I prepare this amount of money, I think of a car. Doing PhD or buying a brand-new sport car... which is better option in my life? Although I get a $700 fortnightly stipend, it just passes from one account to another. Hum... do not worry about it! My partner got me a brand-new car anyway.

The biggest concern for me at this stage is still about Methodology. How many times did I mention it? But I am getting there. Where? It is the right direction (hopefully). The key is, "Back to basics".

As my research is in the field of management, I looked at scholars' works in "Management Research" and "Organisation Studies". Some scholars talk about methodology, such as in the book of Management Research: An Introduction by Easterby-Smith and others (2002, 2nd ed. London: Sage). I have found that case study research involves two approaches!

I am going to read this and sum up my thoughts. I feel I can get there (where?).

Thursday, 14 June 2007

Post Conference

ANZAM Conference in Melbourne was really successful. I enjoyed everything (me - wearing a red top). I met some supportive people who offered me to conduct a study. My problem is becoming resolved.

I got some good news. Firstly, I obtained a provisional ethical clearance only with minor changes which is unbelievable. Many people complained about the long process of ethical clearance. I just got through pretty easily.

Secondly, organisations who I can access required to see my research summary. My supervisors had to work on it. It was just a lucky as those organisations were really supportive. I think I can access at least two organisations.

Thirdly, I got an official letter from the Graduate Student Office that I was certainly confirmed as a PhD candidate with no revision. This was a miracle because I was expected to provide some responses to comments by an independent assesor (examinar). But it did not happen. The assesor reported, "No revision is needed". It was only suggestions in the letter. That made me so happy.

In fact, I am still working on the methodology, epistemology, ontology, and so forth. I used to be with critical realist's epistemology to interpretivist's one. I still do not understand how many epistemological options are available.

I just wonder about my research design and what scholars said at my confirmation, the doctoral workshop and the conference. My design aimed at achieving a theoretical replication logic but it was almost ignored by many scholars. They were more interested in just a comparative study. This indicates that not so many researchers understand what the case study really is. This scares me a bit.

Sunday, 10 June 2007

ANZAM Workshop & Conference

I had a really good time in Melbourne. Although the schedule of both events were tight, I enjoyed everything. I got along with many people. I used to be extremely shy, but not any more. I spoke up, introduced myself and my topic, and discussed with others.

I met some female students and became friends. Their names were like US presidents' wives so I named our group as "First Ladies Club". They loved it. We had nice coffee chats. Two of them recently changed their supervisors that was the most interesting.

At the doctoral workshop, the main topics of discussion were:
  • Dilemma in publishing to journal articles and conference papers;
  • Battling against first authorship;
  • Supervision disasters;
  • Miserable isolation;
  • Scary confirmation seminar (for early candidates);
  • Access to organisations (data collection stage);
  • Annoying ethical clearance procedure;
  • Developing a career in the white, male dominant world;
  • Methodology disasters; and
  • Time, stress, motivation and health management.

At the conference, guest speakers came from a large enterprise and its major suppliers. It was lucky that I could take a seat with professors and the guest speakers. They were interested in my topic and a manager of the large enterprise offered to support for data collection. Yeah me!

I also had a quick, but invaluable discussion with a delegate. His question was, "Why don't you use SH's articles more? I think he is a leader in your topic area". I answered, "Well, I wish I could do so... but I found that his series of articles are identical to texts in TO's book".

"Hey, hey, really? You need to be careful to say it. It sounds the matter of plagiarism!"

"Yest, I guess so. I know SH is a visiting professor here (venue of the conference), a leader in my topic area, an editor of journals I want to publish my articles. I am annoyed and scared."

"Well, talk with your supervisors. I think you should mention it somewhere at some stage. Your thesis will be stuck, otherwise."

"Yes, it is one of the biggest issues at this stage. Thank you very much for your consideration. I will think about it more and talk with my supervisor. But he knows SH very well..."

"Oh, well, I think you really should find a way to deal with SH's articles. Your examiner might have the same question I gave. You will need to explain it in your thesis anyway."

It reminds me a case about David Robinson, a former vice-chancellor of Monash University who resigned over plagiarism claims.

I think I should raise a voice.

Saturday, 2 June 2007

At the PhD Confirmation Seminar

This is myself at the PhD confirmation seminar. My friend DC sent me some photos today. I cannot believe that the seminar was held almost a month ago! Somehow I look so happy. Unfortunately, other photos were not clear enough to see. I feel strange and nervous when I see this photo because it reminds me that time. Hope I can perform better at a conference next Wednesday.

What I learnt through that experience is how I can engage audience and keep them being interested in my presentation. Interacting with audience is essential. Presenters should pay attention to not only their talk contents but also other verbal aspects including: tone and pitch of voice, pace in talk, and pose between sections. Non-verbal aspects are also vital, such as gesture, eye contact, position, posture, and appearance. Body language needs to be aware of because some hidden intentions are revealed to audience that sometimes gives them surprising meanings.

I will definitely use a technique, posing between sections, and a magic word, "Are you comfortable so far?" People suggested me just to say, "Are you with me?" or "Are you following me?". But somewhat I am really uncomfortable with using these phrases. So, I used the first one. It worked! The audience nodded with smile. Then I said, "Then, we shall move onto next section". Some people grinned.

After the presentation, my friend DC said, "You were too polite. It was a little bit strange". However, I cannot change my style so easily. Perhaps I will do the same thing next Wednesday.

Friday, 1 June 2007


Wow, Melbourne looks like Tokyo!!
MELBOURNE Train & Tram map

I will attend the ANZAM 2007 Mid-Year Doctoral Workshop on the 5th and 6th held at Monash University Clanfield Campus. It takes only 20 minutes away from CBD (Flinders Railway Station). This is the first trip to Melbourne so I think it must be safer if I catched a train. I would like to try a tram so I will catch it on return.

On the 6th and 7th, 5th ANZAM Operations Management Symposium is held at RMIT University. It is just 10 minutes walking distance so it should be no problem. However, the Conference Dinner is held at University of Melbourne. This must be another change to catch a tram.

Gee... I will travel across three universities!

Hope I won't get lost.

Saturday, 26 May 2007

A Good Chat

Nothing happened. In fact today's meeting with GR (the male PhD student) was good. Having a preconception or stereotyping is not a constructive approach. I could learn a lot. Although GR's method is a case study, his approach is the use of mixed methods which is totally different from mine. He has actually been managing his research well.

Our discussion was mainly about methodology. The primary question was: What can we begin with?

KK (me): What is methodology, anyway?
GR: Yeah, that's also my concern.
KK: Perhaps we should state exactly what methodology is. There is no consensus in the definifion of methodology.
GR: Agree. Is it an approach or should we include a theoretical perspective?

We actually could not define what methodology is!!

We already looked at theses in past years. However, none of them had a clear structure in the methodology chapter. Finding a clear definition of methodology became our homework.

Crotty (1998) defined methodology as the overall approach taken in a piece of research. He also stated that methodology is the strategy, plan of action, process or design...

If this was true, we should begin with stating either quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods as an approach. Most of theses, however, do not begin with this. Instead, they start with stating an epistemological position or a theoretical perspective.

I know that people in general start this chapter with ontology and epistemology. But this approach is inconsistent with Crotty's definition. There is one possibility that Crotty's definition is wrong or at least little adopted. I think it too much, otherwise.

Crotty, M. (1998). The foundation of social research: Meaning and perspective in the research process. St Leonalds, NSW: Allen & Unwin.

A colleague or a free-rider?

A PhD student, who I met at my confirmation seminar, rang me up today. This male student is my old classmate in the Master of Management degree program. We set up a meeing on Saturday (tomorrow!). Initially, he mentioned that he wanted to have study friends as he is working full time. He also wants to get information about a PhD confirmation seminar as his turn comes soon. That is all fine for me.

However, my supervisor RD told me, "Be careful". What does this mean?

The guy has co- principle supervisors and one of them is RD. The primaly person who usually looks after him is at Nathan campus to which he belongs. According to RD, he already gave him an initial direction for his research, explained the possible methodologies, how he can design and organise his study, and how he can write up his thesis. That amazed me a lot. What RD did to the guy is completely different from what I have got from RD.

The guy concerns his methodology and his approach is a case study based on Yin (a positivistic view). He uses a survey that seems no problem. What else he wants to know, especially from me??

It is interesting. I will find out the meaning of RD's "Be careful" tomorrow.

In the meantime, I decided to attend the "Thesis Writing Group" workshop. I missed the first one because I totally forgot. A lovery staff gave me a reminder for the second chance. I am really interested in joining this group for knowing people rather than working on my thesis at this workshop. It will be held on Monday.

I am working hard on marking assignments of underdraduate students. There are more than 140 papers around me. It is really frustrating when I see bad assignments because they are totally far away from the course reqirements. How can I give them Pass??? They study little. I am having sleepless nights because of this. I really want to get rid of this task as soon as possible as I have to prepare my presentation for a conference.

Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Doctoral Workshop

ANZAM Doctoral Workshop will be held on 5-6 June. This is overlapping with the 1st Asia Pacific & 5th ANZAM Operations Management Symposium 2007 (6-7 June).
ANZAM Doctoral Workshop Program

Wow, it is interesting. In fact it is the first time I will participate in this kind of activities. As I am an extreme introverted person, there are many challenges in doing my research project. Hopefully I can open myself to others to share some concerns.

When I attended a PhD workshop at my university, I was a bit embarrased. I talked my journey, especially about my personal concerns. "One day, I felt myself like rubbish", I said. Many people laughed at me. Oh OK, local students never experience that feeling... they can always be confident and sure what they do. Self-disclosure did not bring any benefit.

One thing I really wonder is, why people tend to be so competitive? It is not necessary for us at all but people always talk like "Mine is better than yours". That makes me more hesitated to attend (social) activities. Why they do not take a win-win approach?

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Under 100 words

ANZAM Doctoral Workshop held in Melbourne (5-6 June) asks me to describe my thesis under 100 words. OK, let's try it!

A current research is an investigation of how Australian organisations understand and apply a management concept called “5S” which stems from Japanese life wisdom for improving quality of life and work. Using a qualitative-oriented case study method, this research attempts to understand and illustrate the importance of 5S in an Australian management context. A multiple-holistic case study was designed to compare and contrast its result with the original 5S concept. The goal of this research is to construct a basic framework of 5S that Australian organisations can incorporate into their quality improvement programs. (93 words)

How does this sound? Oh, do not criticise hard on my English...

Another application form asks me to describe it under 25 words. Wow, this is much tough! OK, I will try it again...

My thesis is a qualitative case study with a multiple-holistic design to investigate how Australian organisations understand and apply a management concept called 5S. (24 words)

Does anyone make sense of this?

Thursday, 17 May 2007

More about coding

Apart from ethical concerns, coding is still useful. To analyse the data collected in a more effective way, coding is necessary. If so, what and how we code the data?

I have a strong resistance against coding. It is because I strongly believe that coding is associated with grounded theory. Many scholars indicate coding techniques used in grounded theory and apply them for other qualitative methodologies. However, grounded theory comes from a theoretical assmption of symbolic interactionism. When we use those techniques in grounded theory, a methodological inconsistency would appear. Nevertheless, no one points out this inconsistency yet.

As coding systems in grounded theory is so poweful, structured, clear and therefore influential. many people just use them. However, Colazzi (1978) provides a method for data analysis in line with phenomenology which is totally different from that in grounded theory. Phenomenological data analysis takes the following steps:

  1. After transcripts of interviews, read all of them as a whole;
  2. Take one transcript at a time, extract significant statements out of each page or section;
  3. Provide criative insight. However, try not to fomulate meanings at this stage;
  4. Identify formulated meanings out of creative insight that become themes. Cluster those themes;
  5. integrate all of themes and create an exhausive description;
  6. Reduce the exhausive description to an unequivocal statement of identification of the fundamental structure of a phenomenon; and
  7. Validate them with participants.
In summary, data reduction in phenomenology is not associated with coding. Hermaneutical-phenomenology takes similar steps but with a different scope. In contrast, ethnography and grounded theory involve coding because researchers who take these approach want to generate patterns for analyses.

In case studies, researchers are basically allowed to take any qualitative data analysis method. So, I need to decide my theoretical perspective or assumption that drives methodology. Then, I finally can make decision on whether I should code the data I will collect.

Colaizzi, P. (1978). Psychological research as a phenomenologist views it. In R. Valle & M. King (eds), Extential Phenomenological Alternatives for Psycology (pp.48-71). New York: Oxford University Press.

Why coding is needed?

I have figured out. In general it is not ethical to use direct quotations from a story of a participant without his or her consent. I should do either: (a) to inform participants clearly that my study needs to use direct quotes; or (b) to code (paraphrase) the story and not to use direct quotes.

Now, the Ethics Committee requires me to provide a special form of informed consent because I am involved in a case study which has a high probability to deal with narratives (direct quotations from stories). Alternatively, I need to state the use of direct quotations clearly in the Information Sheet and the Informed Concent Form to obtain an agreement of participants.

Gosh! Is this why positivists always code into numbers? (a bad joke!)

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Ethical Clearance Procedure

I have received a reply from the Human Ethics Committee. My application was provisionary accepted with some minor modifications being required. Now I have to provide responses on each condition.

As my research involves interviews and site observations, it has to provide some additional information to potential participants. It was no problem on the observation concent form but required to insert some extra statements on the interview concent form, such as a legal privacy statement.

The initial process usually involves basic questions to answer online. All relevant documents needs to be attached before the submission. This process had to be done before submitting a PhD Confirmation Paper. In fact I did just one day before the submission of the paper.

Now I have to check everything again from the beginning.

A PhD workshop and a conference in Melbourne, a PhD Masterpeace workshop at Nathan campus and then a pilot study. Also, a plan to trip to see the Great Barrier Reaf in July. Wow, it sounds getting busy again!

Sunday, 13 May 2007

Now what?

I am getting along with my blogmate, Celeste, slowly but nicely. We are both PhD students and almost at the same stage. I have been very comfortable with writing my reflections on my study here since I knew her on the web. Although this blog is a kind of obligated activity by my supervisors, I start enjoying my writing.

Now, I reply to her comment: Do you need to resubmit, or are the comments just to help you? In other words, What will happen after the PhD confirmation seminar?

For other readers, I briefly describe the process up to the seminar:
  1. Submit 8000-10000 words PhD confirmation paper to an independent assessor;
  2. The assessor is assumed that he/she has read the paper until the seminar;
  3. The assessor attends the seminar and evaluate the presentation;
  4. The assessor provides comments immediately after the seminar;
  5. The candidate (me) defends ONLY WHEN particular questions were given;
  6. The assessor provides comments (including suggestions, evaluations and critiques);
  7. The canditate waits for the result outside of a room; and
  8. The assessor informs the candidate whether he/she was officially confirmed (pass).
After the seminar, the assesor will summarise his/her comments and provide a report to the e.g. Graduate Student Office. At the same time, supervisors SHOULD have responsibility on putting down those comments of the assessor and HOPEFULLY they will give notes to the candidate. This is not always the case, therefore, the candidature MUST record the assessor's comments for the future access.

About one month later of the seminar, the Graduate Student Office will send you the evaluation report. The candidature must respond to ALL comments indicated on the report and will have to submit it to the Office. The update report will go to the Research Dean. When the Dean approves, the candidature will be informed that "you are truly safe" (I mean, truly confirmed). In fact, almost nothing will happen.

Why is this so important then? At my university, travel and other grants are given only to CONFIRMED PhD students. Hence, it is just the matter of money, at least for me. Indeed, it is all helpful to improve quality of the research. Especially critical comments must be the most welcomed. When those are raised, you only have to say, "It is a good point. I will think about it". This is the most tricky part. It is because you will have to provide written defence once you attempted to answer and say something back at the seminar! Therefore, it is better not to say any particular thing there unless you really know about it.

Actually, my PhD seminar went well (except my presentation) in terms of having a lot of critical comments. Some scholars attended the seminar gave me lots of confusion. Thanks all. As Celeste suggested, I will seek about the term "coding". I do not think it is not necessary to use the term as it is for my research. Instead, I would have to provide an alternative or equivalent term with justification.

By the way, I am thinking to purchase a transcribing software. I have a voice recognition and an auto-transcription programs for Japanese but those do not work with English. Does anyone know the best program is?

Friday, 11 May 2007

Assesor's Comments

I have started transcribing a tape of an assessor's comments on my PhD confirmation paper and seminar. It must be a good practice for the actual transcription. Prof BM's comments were really hard, tough, but fair. In summary, his comments were (my thoughts are in brackets):
  • Both my argument and approach were too soft (I agree);
  • Is the topic just about "housekeeping"? (my topic is workplace management!);
  • What are two frameworks used for? (qualitative research should not have a priori assumptions!);
  • What are service organisations' cases used for? (I stated the purpose in my paper!);
  • Are you taking a comparative approach? (No!);
  • You need more cases (Why? Single case is even acceptable!); and
  • How will you code the data collected? (What? Why is coding needed?).
I totally get lost. In particular, I do not understand why coding is needed. My study is a case study, not a discourse analysis. My case is a system or program, not individuals. Why, why, why? My approach is phenomenology. My analysis is pattern matching.

Do I get myself involved in the methodological disaster again???

Sunday, 6 May 2007

Nicely Settled

One day after the big event, I joined a small party called "Girls' night". Today is the "Boys' day" in Japan though... it was really fun.

The friend DC invited me tonight was in my PhD confirmation seminar. We are good friends and working together for two courses under my supervisor RD. The information she got from RD before the seminar was, "The examinar previously rejected some students. He was known as one of hard markers". I did not know that at all! I was told from RD as he is very supportive. I really appreciated that no one told me the truth before the seminar.

The friend DC got a lot of information for me from my supervisor RD. According to her, the examinar really likes straight-forward expressions. I imagined how patiently he had to listened to me. In fact, all of my supervisors were a little nervous. I wondered why but now I know why they were. I also know why they did not tell me the truth. It was all about strategy to win that game. We won.

My other friends also told me, "I never imagined such tough comments". I did not think like that at all. I rather thought he was very kind and patient. "Yeah, it was not nasty at all, but really critical". That was what I wanted. I was so happy with obtaining his feedback. "Kay, you were really brave. You answered and explained well". Really? What I did? Hum... I should listen to the tape recorded but I do not want to do it for a while!

I must be in the pretty lucky environment. Supervisors know me very well. We are working as a team. They understand my introverted personality, awful public speech skill and horrible writing. They carefully choose words to give me. They push me into conferences to improve my speech skill. They are always challenging. When I have many tears (especially with methodology), they quietly listen to me then turn into loud discussions for me.

Seven years ago, when I started my bachelor program, many lecturers and tutors told me, "I do not know what you are talking about". I failed some courses. I am now study for a PhD. Indeed, I am getting confident.

Friday, 4 May 2007

PhD Confirmation Seminar

Today, I was officially confirmed as a PhD candidature. A door was opened.

I was told that potential attendees are approximitely 12 people and the research dean does not attend. That made me a bit relaxed. There were an independent assesor (examiner), three supervisors, a professor, a PhD researcher, a senior PhD student, four PhD students, and four supportive people attended.

My seminar started on time. My speech was as terrible as usual but well-designed PPT slides helped me out (I was very confident with them). As supervisors mentioned, I posed in the middle of presentation then asked audience, "Are you confortable so far?". Everyone nodded. "Then, we shall move onto the next section". Some people had a big smile.

Although my speech was awful, people were very patient with my slow pace. Everytime I emphasised a particular term, I tried to have eye contact with people who are professionals in that area. They reacted nicely. They were all supportive.

Somehow, I could finished on time. The examiner game me feedback. Many issues have been raised. However, all of them were very benefitial rather than critical. Other people gave me many suggestions rather than questions or critiques. I was really appreciated with their comments. It seemed OK.

"Please wait outside". I was waiting for about 15 minutes. A door was opened.

"Now, we are glad to announce that you have officially been confirmed as a PhD candidature".

Yeah, me!! I made it.

Monday, 30 April 2007

Validity & Reliability

Some terms such as validity and reliability are somewhat inconsistent in qualitative research. Those terms were constructed mostly by positivists therefore it is understandable that qualitative researchers seek equivalent terms. According to Lincoln and Guba (1985), the overall equivalence to make qualitative research rigor is "trustworthness" and equivalent terms are:
  • Internal validity = credibility
  • External validity = transferability
  • Reliability = dependability
  • Objectivity (construct validity) = Confirmability
Sound quite reasonable. I think I should stick with these terms.

By the way, this blog needs to be written in English due to my supervisors' requirement. However, it sometimes better for me to write in Japanese especially when I need to record my ideas or initial thoughts. I just wonder what are the translation of those terms above. All about methodology, as I study in Australia, are much easier for me to learn in English. However, English --> Japanese translation becomes harder and harder for me. Uhm... a little critical.

Lincoln, Y. & Guba, E. (1985). Naturalistic Inquiry. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.

Friday, 27 April 2007

Methodology Disaster Continued

Why, why, why...!

I have been thinking over ontology, epistemology and methodology... because the Research Dean will attend my PhD confirmation seminar. Why mine?! Prof LF is a well known critical theorist. Perhaps she will give me critical comments. Oh dear.

I should calm down. Let's find an article which helps to tide up my thoughts.

Cepeda, G. & Martin, D. (2005). A review of case studies publishing in Management Decision 2003-2004. Management Decision, 43(6), 851-876.

OK, sounds good. Let's look at inside.

Although several authors have suggested methods to develop case studies - one of the key contributions has been the formulation of a set of methodological principles for case studies that were consistent with the conventions of positivism (several authors mentioned including: Lee, 1989 and Yin, 1984) - few authors have suggested criteria for interpretive research. (p.853)

Really??? Yin is a positivist? So is Einsenhardit? Oh no, more confusion...

I know positivist can adopt a case study method. However, I misunderstand that both Yin and Eisenhardit have anti-positivist orientation (I thought they have either pragmatist or realist orientation).

Gee... I should stop reading the article at this stage. I have only for one week (actually, less than a week now). The most important thing and the first priority is to think how I can rescue myself from this methodology disaster and how I can survive the defence.

どうするよ、自分。 やばいぜ、マジで。

Thursday, 26 April 2007

PhD Confirmation Paper

Today, I officially submitted my PhD confirmation paper. I printed 5 copies (because I have three supervisors), put them in bindings, submitted an ethical clearance application online, printed a certificate of the submission and another certificate of the Induction Program, attached them to the Official Statement Form, and then, finally, went to the Graduate Student Office to submit.

Now, my confirmation seminar (and therefore 'defence') is on Friday, 4 May... next week!

It was funny that none of us realised the statement about ontology and epistemology was completely missing out of my paper. A supervisor RF, who had been away, was only the one realised it after he got a printed version. "I thought everything was fine. I do not know why I did not think about it". Hey RF, it is not too late. I will try to handle this.

Monday, 23 April 2007

Methodology Disaster?

After I printed my confirmation paper, I got so nervous to hand it in. Hence, I did not do it today. What made me crazy was methodology part. One of my supervisors, RF, commented, "What is a 'multiple-holistic' case study design?" He wondered if it was rather a 'single-enbedded' design.

Noooooooo, I disagree! I hope I am right!!

Let's look at an example of a multiple-holistic design. According to Yin (2003, p.46):

A common example [of a multiple-holistic design] is a study of school innovations(such as the use of new curricula, reagganged school schedules, or new educational technology), in which individual schools adopt some innovation. Each school is the subject of an individual case study, but the study as a whole covers several schools and in this way uses a multiple-case design.

In my case, each organisation is the subject of an individual case study, but the study as a whole covers several organisations which adopt a particular management concept called X.

What's wrong with this? Anyway, his question indicates that I need a strong justification!!

Yin, R. (2003). Case study research: Design and methods (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Sunday, 22 April 2007

ZUPPS Helensvale is great!

I really want to tell this experience. I met a great sales person ever! His name is Mr Tony Patmore, an assistant manager at Zupps Helensvale on the Gold Coast.

I was thinking to buy a new car, either Toyota Yaris or Suzuki Swift. On the first day of my car hunting, I went to Toyota Grand Motors Southport. A sales person was not friendly at all, they were too proud of themselves. I know Toyota cars are the best products in Japan but bad customer service often takes such value away. The male sales person kept talking as if he gets drunk with his knowledge. I even did not look at him at all but he did not stop talking. I think he never realised that I was bored.

Anyway, I could not get information I wanted to know: the price of trade-in. Therefore, I could not estimate how much I had to prepare. I left the place with disappointment.

On the second day, I went to Zupps Southport. This is the place I got my car, Toyota RAV4 (second-hand). When the last time I went there, people gave me the price for trade-in so that I could organise my budget. I expected to get the information. However, people were completely different. I could not get information again. People were not friendly, made themselves look busy, and just talked about how I can pay for a new car. I left there with another disappointment.

Why? Is it because I am a woman? Asian? or visited alone?

In contrast, Zupps Helensvale was totally different. All people (ALL!!) were friendlily said hello to me. A sales person (Tony) came to talk to me. "I am just thinking to buy a Suzuki Swift or Toyota Yaris". I was honest. Tony was not bossy at all. He did not put pressured on me either. "Please do a test-driving, I will bring a key". He was friendly but also showed respect. After the test-driving, I was happy with Swift. Not exactly. I was happy with Tony's attitude. "I want to know how much my car will be". This was the critical part at everywhere except this place. Tony answered, "No problem, I will give the price for you, have a coffee and please wait here". I finally got the information I wanted from Tony.

Tony also tried to understand why I looked unhappy. He was very professional and experienced, however, he did not show off such things. What he did was showed respect and empathy. Reliability appeared from him. At the end of conversation, Tony introduced a senior manager to me. This manager was also very wonderful. He talked how much I can trust Tony and how people in the place have the same service standard. That was all. The manager did not talk about himself at all but about his people.

I think I will definitely buy a Suzuki Swift from Tony and therefore from Zupps Helensvale. Services after purchase ("After-Service" in Japanese) was also clearly explained. "Let us look after", Tony said.

You can mention my name "Kay", as a Japanese woman working and studying at Griffith University, who purchased a Suzuki Swift when you buy a car from Tony. Perhaps you can have a better deal, I bet! He will definitely help you.
(This will be effective after Monday afternoon since I will go there then)

Yet things to do

My draft for confirmation seminar came back from an associate supervisor RF. Many errors and ambiguous sections were still found. Methodology section did not satisfy him... I know, I had to write about Ontology and Epistemology but I did not. I skipped methodology without specifying either qualitative or quantitative approach I will take then jumped into a method. Although RF understood it was with a tactical reason, he seemed unhappy.

I do not have enough time to include the section (I have another draft though). I replied his email that I decide not to include and let it go. I have only for 2 weeks until the confirmation seminar. I should practise my speech and refine PPT slides.

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Another conference paper

Hee-Haw! My fourth conference paper has been accepted for the 1st Asia-Pacific/5th ANZAM Operations Management Symposium. I can go to Melbourne!!

Attending conferences with refereed article(s) is very important in order to develop a network:
  • for my thesis (to seek potential examiners);
  • for my career (to seek job opportunities as an academia); and
  • for my academic career (to seek opportunities for journal articles to submit).

I know we are not allowed to nominate examiners for the thesis. The principle supervisor is the one who has to find best people who can properly and fairly assess my thesis. I just believe that giving information of who are really suportive and who are not will help when superviros are involved in the process of selecting examiners. Yep, it is a kind of tactics.



Monday, 16 April 2007

PhD Confirmation Seminar

Venue Inspection

Wow, it is getting busy... My confirmation of PhD candidature was accepted by the Graduate Research School. The date and venue was announced today. Now I only have to wait for a call "Print!" from my all three supervisors before submitting to the Graduate Office. As English is my first language, this extra process is necessary. Then, I will provide a 30-minute presentation.

After the announcement, I was curious about the venue. So, I visited. Oh dear! It is quite large, I mean, wide! (Look at the photo above) I will need to talk loudly. This room is usually divided into three as you see partitions. Although I close those partitions and only use the back room, it is still too wide. I need to be careful when I set up the room.

What is a Confirmation?

The confirmation of candidature research seminar is undertaken by research higher degree students to assist the generation of quality research. As part of the confirmation process, students are required to present a research seminar at which they speak to their research paper for approximately half an hour.

Students talk to issues raised in the paper and in turn raise matters that may be troubling them in their research. Feedback can be asked for on specific issues.

Following this, up to half an hour is allocated for questions from the assessing panel and general audience during which the student conducts a ‘defence’ of their research paper.

The assessing panel is typically made up of the principal supervisor, an independent assessor and sometimes the associate supervisor.

Visual Methods: Some thoughts


After a messive work over the weekend, I realised that a chosen methodology has to be consistent with the approach I chose (based upon ontology and epistemology). The book (written by Rose) was a wrong choice due to the contradiction from my epistemology (how I know truth as the truth). Hum... it was not exactly wrong, actually.

When I take a critical approach, I must emphasise a key term: "reflexivity".

No matter what methodology and method I chose, they must be consistent with the approach I take. Once I coin the term "reflexivity", my approach soon belongs either to critical, feminist or postmodernist approach.

So, I have to think again what exactly reflexivity means. Is it what I want?

Visual Methods Continued

As a critical theorist, Warren (2004) argues the use of images takes an important role in critical management research. This is particularly notable in the sub-discipline of organisational symbolism which deals with explicitly with the corporate and organisational images (Gagliardi, 1990). Warren suggests that the researcher who adopts visual methods must first decide either to use images as:
  1. data themselves;
  2. a record;
  3. a research aid; or
  4. to elicit feelings of participants that otherwise not to be disclosed.
In particular, the last option is best suitable for studies in critical management research since the aim of the research is the discovery of the 'hidden' truth in those images. Warern has provided several visual methods that critical researchers are able to adopt in order to interpret the power/knowledge relationship. Rose (2001) argues, however, there are two distinct methodological emphases underlying Foucalt's (1972) discourse analysis (DA): one is without reflexivity; and another is concerned with questions of reflexivity. In particular, the second form of DA pays more attention to practices of institutions than it does to the visual images and verbal texts. Faucalt has coined this institutions as: an institutional apparatus (the form of power/knowledge which constitute the institutions); and an institutional technologies (the form of practical techniques used to practise that power/knowledge).

In line with CDA, Warren suggests the use a form of photo-interviewing, with categories such as native image making, autodriving and photovoice. She argues that this approach is methodologically different from 'photo-elicitation' (Harper, 1984).

  • Gagliardi, P. (Ed.). (1990). Symbols and artefacts: Views of the corporate landscape. Berlin: de Gryyter.
  • Harper, D. (1984). Meaning and work: a study in photo elicitation. International Journal of Visual Sociology, 2(1), 20-43.
  • Rose, G. (2001) Visual Methodologies, London: Sage.
  • Warren, S. (2004). Photography and voice in critical qualitative management research. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 18(6), 861-882.

Sunday, 15 April 2007

Visual Methods

Visual Methods are ways to interpret visual materials (Rose, 2001: 1), however, there is a lot of confusion about 'the visual' itself. As W.J.T. Mitchell (1994: 13) states in his book on Picture Theory, "we still do not know exactly what pictures are, what their relation to language is, how they operate on observers and on ther world, how their history is to be understood, and what is to be done with or about them".

Rose argues that interpreting the visual should be just interpretation, not the discovery of their truth. Hall (1997) suggests that it is therefore important to justify the interpretation and analysis of images. A researcher must have an explicit methodology for doing it. Rose provides 'critical methods of visual culture', such as in line with CDA.

  • Mitchell, W.J.T. (1994) Picture Theory: Essays on Verbal and Visual Representation, Chicago: Chicago University Press.
  • Hall E. (1994) The Arnolfini Betrothal, Berkekey: Calfornia University Press.
  • Rose, G. (2001) Visual Methodologies, London: Sage.

Saturday, 14 April 2007


Confirmation Paper が完成した。全部で39ページ。

References が9ページってのは多すぎるかも。

あとは、Ethical Clearence の承認をもらうのみ。


Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Piled Higher and Deeper


Piled Higher and Deeper


Saturday, 7 April 2007





Friday, 6 April 2007



Total Quality Management & Business Excellence





Thursday, 5 April 2007


パクられた? の事件以来、どうなったかと思いきや



Unfortunately, I cannot go to Melbourne.
Can anyone take the trip down there?
Or, can I have other options?

これが精一杯のイヤミ。 他の理由でダメになったのだと思いたいけどな。

Monday, 2 April 2007


もっと、Assertive な、Pursuasive な文章を書けるようになりたい。


  • 何について書いているのか
  • それがなぜ大事なのか(それがわかってどうなるのか)


Sunday, 1 April 2007

April Fool???

Confirmation は5月4日。

マジか? いやーこりゃ迂闊だった。痛いぜ。



Saturday, 31 March 2007

PhD は完走主義のマラソン

Good News が舞い込んだ。指導官RFが現場に復帰してくる。

急いで、インストラクションをつくって、MS Word での操作法を送る。


「便利に使われているだけだよ」 それでも良い。

私が個人的にいぶかしく思っているのは、PhD ってのは


PhD学生が私に Word や Excel や Endnote といった、




Friday, 30 March 2007










Saturday, 24 March 2007

Confirmation Paper

同じ音なのに、意味の違いは大き過ぎて ああしんどい。


Logic と Flow を強化しろ、と言われたわけですが、
Logic ってのは、こんなことなのですが。いわゆる屁理屈です。

言いたいことなんか、ないね。 フッ


A is always B, B is always C, therefore, C is always A (or vice versa).

Friday, 23 March 2007

Business Communication

昨日の講義は、Active Listening についてでした。


Tutorial ではメインイベントの一つである、Johari Window について。
Joseph さんと Harry さんの合作だから「Johari」。

1番の「Open Area」が大きくなり、4番の「Unknown Area」が小さくなる。
1番のエリアを大きくするには、Communication (Ask + Feedback)と
Self-disclosure + Self discovery (自己探索と自己発見)の二つの手法で
Shared Discovery (相手と自分で発見した情報を共有すること)をします。



「うひゃぁ、意外と難しいなぁ」 でしょ、言うとやるとでは大違い。



Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Literature Review



Literature Review を評価してもらった前半部分が帰ってきました。
たった 1パラグラフのみでした。ぐっすん。

「でも内容はいいよ」 との労いの言葉をもらい。





Tuesday, 20 March 2007



「What can I do for you?」

それでも しーん。




Monday, 19 March 2007

Why not to publish?

「Why not to publish?」の節が特に面白かった。








(巨人の肩の上に立つ=Google Scholarにある一文)

Sunday, 18 March 2007

Why Publish?

年齢が若きゃ、時間を費やしてポスドク(Post Doctoral)への道ってのも



Day, A. (1996). How to get research published in journals. Brookfield, VA: Gower.


Saturday, 17 March 2007






なんで、順位を変えたのか。 それはいいとして、
なんで、私が三番なのか。 それもいいとして、






Friday, 16 March 2007


頼まれていた学会誌への投稿記事への審査、今終了しました。 「第一回 Asian-Pacific Operations Management Symposium」という学会です(もう一つの名称は、検索に引っかかるとヤバイので伏せておきます)。 指導官の力を借りて20分くらいで第一段階の評価完了。 すごい、さすが本職(?) それから自分で最終評価をして。 さぁ、結果発表ぉ~(ここでドラム音♪) 


本来なら「ボツ」になるようなレベルの物でした。 でも指導官から「初めてだってことで、甘くしておこう」と言われ、上の結果に。 審査は7項目あって、各項目5点満点、総合35点満点です。

(1)ライティングは2点。「タイポエラー」と呼ばれる誤植がいっぱい。 カンマやピリオドが二度連続して打ってあったり、括弧の始まりと終わりが違うものだったり。 (2)文献考察は3点。 (3)メソドロジー(調査方法)も3点。 (4)ディスカッションは書いてなかったので1点(ゼロってのはない)。 (5)「結果」と「CONCLUSION(結末)」の量が余りにも少な過ぎ。1点。 (6)セオリーへの貢献度 その1は(4)と(5)がお粗末なので当然1点。 (7)セオリーへの貢献度 その2は(6)がダメなので連動して1点。

「なんでそれで許可できるわけぇ?」と思った人、君は鋭いよ。 この「条件付許可」ってのは、私が昨年もらった結果なのですが(私のは最低点が「結末」の2点で、あとは3点と4点だった)、全部ちゃんと直さない限り、正式な掲載許可が下りないのですよ。 だから指定された期限までに全部校正できて再提出できれば、本採用ってわけ。 たぶん、今年の私の原稿も、この結果をもらうはず。 名無しのゴンベさんよ、お互いに校正頑張って、発表の場に立とうねぇ!

Monday, 12 March 2007

Literature Review

日本語では「文献の考察」とでも言うのでしょうか。Thesis の Chapter 2 に当たる部分です。30ページの下書きを20ページまで減らすべく奮闘中。足りないのを増やすよりは易しいですが、それなりに苦労して書き上げたものを削除して小さくしていくのは勇気が要ります。最終的には15ページに収めようと思っているので、遠まわしな表現を直接的に直すだけでは足りません。1ページに渡る段落を思い切って削除したりもしています。



なるほど。確かに、中身のないことを話している人ってやたら説明が長すぎて、結論とか主旨がまるで見えない場合が多い。Conclusion を見てみたら、研究結果は有効ではなかった、なんて論文記事が結構あるなぁ。



Chapter 3 にあたる Methodology の部分は、20ページ中、3ページ分に「チェック」(良い)が付いた。削られて、自分でも削って。Chapter 1 の Introduction も、5ページにわたるセクションを丸ごと切り捨てた。「余計なことを言わない、シンプルでストレートな文章を」という指導官の要望は、実際に応えようとすると、面白くもあり、悲惨でもある。

Friday, 9 March 2007






指導官 「いやーすごいね、良かったねー」
きら   「はぁ」
指導官 「アカデミックの世界にまた一歩前進だね」
きら   「へ?」
指導官 「みんなそういう所から上がっていくんだよ」
きら   「でも、私まだ Confirmation 通過してないですが?」
指導官 「あ」  (しばし沈黙)   「ま、いいんだよ」
きら   「そうですか、それでは助けてもらえますか」
指導官 「うんうん、やるやる、やろうやろう」


Portfolio ってのを作っとけ、と作り方を説明し始めた。
学者になるには、この Portfolio ってのが大事なのだそうだ。


Thursday, 8 March 2007

Business Communication


「Have you ever discriminated because of gender?」とか


例えば「Where are you from?」と訊ねるより
「アナタのCultural Backgroundは?」と訊ねる方が


Wednesday, 7 March 2007


Tutorなんて、カッコ良さ気だが実は労力の多い割には報われない仕事の一つである。時給$60という傍から見れば法外な収入に思われるが、このたった一時間の中には、Preparation が一時間、Delivery で一時間、Consultation で一時間、という「暗黙の了解」が含まれている。つまりは実質$20/時、というわけだ。


世の中には、うまい儲け話はないわけで、いかにInput を少なくしてOutput を最大に引き出すかで勝負は決まる。Delivery の時間(実際のTutorial Session)でどれだけガッツリ学生に満足度を与えるか、ってのがミソ。やってないけどやってるように見せるテクが自然と身についてくるってもんだ。いかにも必死でやっているのが表面に出るほど、かっこ悪いものはない。




Saturday, 3 March 2007

Visual Methods


Visual Anthropology から派生したこの研究方法ですが
Ethnography に属するので私の路線とはちと違います。
「Seeing is Believing」 っていう大義が好きだ。

Ethnography とは調査研究方法(Methodology)の一つ。

つまりは、Visual Anthropology は「見た目の人類学」で

Ethnography はそのグループの生活や行動などを

似たようなので、Ethnomethodology という手法がある。

もう一つ、Visual Sociology (見た目の社会学)ってのがある。
全部に共通することは、「Visual Methods」を使うこと。
一般的にはObservation をして、Field Note を使って記録し、
(CA=Conversation Analysis)
それを決めるのはResearch Question なわけで。

そして、そのResearch Question がまだかなり曖昧なわけで。


Friday, 2 March 2007



フィジー人はインド系で、グリフィス大学の薬学部の学生です。イラン人はペルシャかアラブ系で、グリフィス・インスティチュート・フォー・グリコミックス(Griffith Institute for Glycomics)という研究機関の研究員です。そう!あの「グリコ」のグリコミックスです。そうは言っても何のことだか私にもイマイチわかりません。


ハウスメイトがヒンドゥー(フィジー)とムスラム(イラン)ということで、牛肉と豚肉は食えなくなりそうです。ああ、すき焼き、トンカツ、しゃぶしゃぶ、うぅぅぅー  こんなことなら思いっきり食っておくべきだった。いや、ハウスメイトを追い出してでも食うぞ、ここを仕切っているのはこの私だぁー!

Thursday, 1 March 2007













BusCom Lecture 1

Tutorial は来週からなので(講義の後追い形式)、今日は顔見せってことでの参加。教科書が新しくなったこともあり、自分の知識のおさらいのために、ってのが本音。教えるほうが「わかりません」じゃ話にならんもんね。

名前は「Business Communication」ですが、中身は「Interpersonal Skills」というこの科目。教科書もその題名です。ビジネスレターの書き方なんぞを勉強したいと期待していたアナタ、残念でした。この科目は侮れませんよ。後ろを振り返ると(Tutor はいざという時に講義のアシストをするので最前列に座っている)ビビり顔の学生が多数。大丈夫ですよ、期末試験は Multiple Choice と Short Answer だけですから(本校のバカ教授が決めた)。





それから、「ソクラテス・メソッド」についての説明を受けました。最終的にはこんなような手法が使える、「Facilitator」「Negotiator」「Leader」「Coarch」「Advisor」「Consultant」と呼ばれる人達の持つ手法を理論(調査研究から出た事実)とリンクさせて知る、というのがゴールです。使えるようになるかどうかはこっちの知ったことではありません。各個人の技量次第ですから。大学では「What(それは何か)」、「Why(それはなぜ必要/重要か)」、「How(それはどう使うのか)」ということを教え、「When, Where, To Whom」などなど、使い道は各学生が考えます。「Application」と呼ばれるものです。これがどのくらい出来るのかを大学では評価して成績として出すのです。もちろん完璧に出来るわけはありません。だから「どのくらい使い道を考えたか」が実際には評価されます。実際に使うのは卒業してからですし。

というわけで、いきなり飛び出した「ソクラテス・メソッド」。今学期の終わりまでに学生たちに使えるようになってもらわなければなりません。そうなるような Tutorial の授業内容を組まねばなりません。こりゃエライこっちゃ。ググったりヤフったり、教材づくりに大忙しです。まあ、10週目以降になるでしょうから、それまでにこっちが追いついていれば大丈夫でしょう。Tutor が出来るようになっている必要はありません。サッカーのコーチが現役のストライカーと同じ役割を担う必要はないわけで。私の役目は、彼らがコーチの立場になる時に、コーチになれる最低限の技量が持てるよう導いていくだけですから。


Wednesday, 28 February 2007

PhD Confirmation Report 1

学位論文の前段階である「Confirmation Report」。
  • the research question;
  • where the question came from in the context of relevant literature;
  • why the research question is important;
  • how the research question is addressed including details of methodology;
  • a bibliobraphy (references) of relevant literature;
  • progress made to date; and
  • a timetable for completing the research.

そして、Assessor (審査官)と、指導官と、Redearch Dean (研究部長)に渡せるよう、コピーを印刷します。この期限は発表会の2週間前まで。私の場合は3人指導官がいますので、合計で5部つくります。


  • copy of certificate of completion for the RHD Induction Program;
  • copy of Intellectual Property Agreement entered into;
  • copy of evidence that ethics clearance has been obtained, or;
  • copy of certificate comfirming that ethics clearance is not required.

これらを全部用意できたら、「Confirmation of Candidature Student Statement」と一緒に、「Confirmation Seminar」(プレゼンテーション)の日時と場所を決めて、会場の予約を入れて、大学院学生課にすべての書類を提出します。あとは決行の日まで入念な下準備をするのみ。


次は「Literature Review」の部分が返ってきます。この二つをイントロと合わせて、8000~10000語の量に仕上げます。でも審査官から「30ページじゃないと、ワタシ読みませんから」というお達しを受けたので、6000語くらいの量に減らさないとなりません。はっきりしっかり要点だけを書いていかないとならないので、語数制限を少なくされるということは、かなりしんどいです。「余計なことは一切書くな」といわれたようなもんですから。



Monday, 26 February 2007






日本人の場合、永住権だけで市民権は持たない、つまりはオーストラリアの国籍を持たない、というのが多いんですが、ヨーロッパからは政治移民とか色んなケースで来て、自国の国籍を捨てざるを得ない人とか色々です。英語の喋れない中国系オーストラリア人は沢山いますし、お父さんとお母さんの出身国が全部別で、子供はオーストラリア生まれ、なんてのもザラです。「あなたはどこから来たのですか?」という「Where are you from?」という言葉は、あまりこの国では適切な表現ではありません。ネイティヴの定義が何なのか、それすらも定かではない(オーストラリアでネイティヴと言うと、通常はアボリジニのことを示す)。


ちなみに、ローカルの人達は「What is your cultural background?」と聞き合っています。まあ、それもある程度の教養を備えた人達の会話の中でのことですが。オトナはそう言っています。大学で学生同士なら「Where are you from?」で十分大丈夫でしょう。



Sunday, 25 February 2007

Amazing Statistical Inferences

Logic 1

1. Ten percent of all car thieves are left-handed
2. All polar bears are left-handed
3. If your car is stolen, there's a 10 percent chance it was taken by a Polar bear

Logic 2

1. 39 percent of unemployed men wear spectacles
2. 80 percent of employed men wear spectacles
3. Work stuffs up your eyesight

Logic 3

1. All dogs are animals
2. All cats are animals
3. Therefore, all dogs are cats

Logic 4

1. A total of 4000 cans are opened around the world every second
2. Ten babies are conceived around the world every second
3. Each time you open a can, you stand a 1 in 400 chance of becoming pregnant

Who's Who at a University

Leaps tall buildings in a single bound
Is more powerful than a locomotive
Is faster than a speeding bullet
Walks on water
Gives policy to God

Leaps short buildings in a single bound
Is more powerful than a switch engine
Is just as fast as a speeding bullet
Talks with God

Leaps short buildings with a running start and favourable winds
Is almost as powerful as a switch engine
Is faster than a speeding BB
Walks on water in an indoor swimming pool
Talks with God if a special request is granted

Barely clears a quonset hut
Loses tug of war with a locomotive
Can fire a speeding bullet
Swims wellIs occasionally addressed by God

Makes high marks on the walls when trying to leap tall buildings
Is run over by locomotives
Can sometimes handle a gun without inflicting self-injury
Treads water
Talks to animals

Runs into buildingsRecognises locomotives two out of three times
Is not issued ammunition
Can stay afloat with a life jacket
Talks to walls

Falls over doorstep when trying to enter buildings
Says "Look at the choo-choo"
Wets oneself with a water pistol
Plays in mud puddles
Mumbles to oneself

Lifts buildings and walks under them
Kicks locomotives off the tracks
Catches speeding bullets in her teeth and eats them
Freezes water with a single glance
She IS God.

Saturday, 24 February 2007



  1. カップヌードルが引き出しに入っている
  2. スニッカーズが引き出しに入っている
  3. 週に一度は「V」か「Red Bull」を飲む
  4. 日差しが眩しく思う
  5. PCと会話していることがある
  6. 気付くと肩や首をポキポキ鳴らしている
  7. 使わないのにSPSSが入っている(Qualitative の人)
  8. 使わないのにNVivo/Nud*ist が入っている(Quantiative の人)
  9. Endnote とGoogle Scholar が連動している
  10. 「ウィッキーさん」と呼ばれている(検索でWikipedia がやたら速く出る)
  11. 忙しい振りが得意
  12. 悩んでいる振りも得意
  13. 自分の研究がいちばん素晴らしいと自負している
  14. でも本当はかなり自信がない
  15. やたらよく喋る(普段人とあまり会話していない)
  16. そのくせネタを見つけた時は寡黙になっている
  17. 偉そう 偉ぶる いや 本当は偉いのかも(願望)
  18. 普通の話題がない そのくせ学内ゴシップには詳しい
  19. 金に細かい うるさい ケチ
  20. 他人に言えない変な趣味を持っている

・・・私? もちろん全部当てはまってますよ。多かれ少なかれ。
変人への道 まっしぐら ですわ。

iPass on the Gold Coast 2

iPass Access Point - Other than main 3 areas -
(excl. Southport, Surfers Paradise, Main Beach, and Broad Bearch)

GB's at the Cove - Sanctuary Cove
Shop 39d The Promenade Gold Coast Services: Wi-Fi

Cafe St Tropez - Sanctuary Cove
Marine Village Gold Coast Services: Wi-Fi

Flaming Steer Restaurant - Sanctuary Cove
Cnr The Walk & Quay St Gold Coast Services: Wi-Fi

Eliza's - Sanctuary Cove
Sanctuary Cove Yacht Club Gold Coast Services: Wi-Fi

Manos Restaurant - Main Beach
Shop 1 19-21 Tedder Avenue Gold Coast Services: Wi-Fi

Radisson Resort Gold Coast
Palm Meadows Drive Palm Meadows
Gold Coast QLD 4211 Gold Coast Services: Ethernet

The Towers of Chevron Renaissance - Surfers Paradise
23 Ferny Avenue Gold Coast Services: Wi-Fi

McDonalds Harbourtown
Harbourtown Shoppin Centre Cnr Gold Coast Hwy & Oxley Dr
Biggera Waters Services: Wi-Fi

McDonalds Palm Beach
Cnr 19th Ave & Gold Coast Hwy Palm Beach Services: Wi-Fi

McDonalds Robina Central
Cnr Christine Ave & Robina Town Centre Drv
Robina Services: Wi-Fi

McDonalds Robina Food Court
Ten 49 Town Square Level Robina Town Centre Dr
Robina Services: Wi-Fi

iPass on the Gold Coast 1

Wireless Network のprovider として知られる iPass 。


McDonalds Labrador
176 Marine Parade Southport Services: Wi-Fi

McDonalds Southport
64 Ferry Rd Southport Services: Wi-Fi

Main Beach

Payphone 20 Tedder Av
20 Tedder Av Main Beach Services: Wi-Fi

Payphone 3540 Main Beach Pde
3540 Main Beach Pde Main Beach Services: Wi-Fi

Payphone 14 Tedder Av1
4 Tedder Av Main Beach Services: Wi-Fi

McDonalds Marina Mirage
Shop 1 Marina Mirage Seaworld Drv Main Beach Services: Wi-Fi

Surfers Paradise

Crowne Plaza Surfers Paradise
2807 Gold Coast Highway Surfers Paradise QLD 4217
Surfers Paradise Services: Ethernet

Payphone 2
Cavill Ave2 Cavill Ave
Surfers Paradise Services: Wi-Fi

Payphone 1
Elkhorn Ave1 Elkhorn Ave
Surfers Paradise Services: Wi-Fi

Payphone 26 Cavill Ave
26 Cavill Ave
Surfers Paradise Services: Wi-Fi

Payphone 38 Orchid Ave
38 Orchid Ave
Surfers Paradise Services: Wi-Fi

Starbucks Chevron
Shops 26&27 Chevron Renaissance Gold Coast Hwy
Surfers Paradise Services: Wi-Fi

Starbucks Cavill Avenue
Shop115 Cavill Ave
Surfers Paradise Services: Wi-Fi

Australis Sovereign Surfers Paradise
138 Ferny Ave
Surfers Paradise Services: Wi-Fi

McDonalds Cavill III1
Cavill Ave Cnr Cavill Mall & The Esplanade
Surfers Paradise Services: Wi-Fi

Broad Beach

Payphone 11 VIC Ave
11 VIC Ave Broadbeach Services: Wi-Fi

Payphone 17 VIC Ave
17 VIC Ave Broadbeach Services: Wi-Fi

Starbucks Pacific FairShop 49a
Pacific Fair Shopping Centre Hooker Boulevard
Broadbeach Services: Wi-Fi

Payphone Old Burleigh Rd
Old Burleigh Rd Broadbeach Services: Wi-Fi

Payphone 16 Albert Av
16 Albert Ave Broadbeach Services: Wi-Fi

Payphone 15 Albert Av
15 Albert Ave Broadbeach Services: Wi-Fi

Gold Coast Convention & Entertainment Centre
Gold Coast Hwy Broadbeach Services: Wi-Fi

McDonalds Broadbeach
Shops 1-3 Niecon Plaza Broadbeach Services: Wi-Fi

McDonalds Broadbeach II
Cnr Gold Coast Hwy & Australia Ave Broadbeach Services: Wi-Fi

Friday, 23 February 2007

A small simple question

Why have my tutorial classes to teach become seven, not six?

このままだと収入が上がって、Income Tax がかかっちゃうなぁ。
ギリギリ限度内で収まれば、100% Tax Return がくるのに~。

Preparation, Delivery, Evaluation and Consultation の全てが


Windows Vista の導入は、今年はないらしい。
信じられん! 何で???

My PhD Confirmation

Heehaw! My PhD confirmation seminar (the confirmation of candidature for a PhD) will be set up in May. I must prepare for the defense. Counting down has been started.

Griffith University breaks the PhD Confirmation process up into 3 big stages described as follows:

[Stage 1] Write up a confirmation report

This is a kind of a research proposal with 8000~10000 words. Basically this has to be completed within 12 months of your commencement. Make copies to give the research committee, including an external examiner and supervisors. It must be submitted 4 weeks prior to your confirmation seminar date. The research committee members are like the Mafia: they have no name and no one has ever seen them, but they apparently know all possible research topics. You must be really confident and make sure whether any stupid punctual and grammatical errors are wiped out of your final draft.

[Stage 2] Prepare presentation slides

Each candidature is given a oral presentation time for 20~30 minutes. Most of PhD students use MS PowerPoint. Print for the presentation. Fewer number of slides is better. Do not forget to print these slides to give your audience. Never make them pretty.

[Stage 3] Show Time - PhD Defence -

Organise your confirmation seminar. Check the venue and your gear. It is a key to have a good marketing and promotion strategy before the Defence. Do not forget to invite your friends and supportive colleagues. You must feel like that you are standing alone on the Antarctica, otherwise. Some people seem being as cold as ice. Do not need to entertain them, just hang there.

Thursday, 22 February 2007

What the "PhD" really stands for

Patiently hoping for a Degree
Piled higher and Deeper
Please hire Desperate
Physiologically Deficient
Philosophically Disturbed
Probably headed for Divorce
Pathetically hopeless Dweeb
Probably heavily in Debt
Parents have Doubts
Professors had Doubts
Probably hard to Describe
Patiently headed Downhill...
Permanent head Damage
Pulsating heaving Disaster?
Professional hugger of Dames
Private house Detective
Pizza hut Driver
Pretty heavily Depressed
Pretty heavy Diploma
Proudly half Dead
Promised hell Down-the-road
Precisely helping Deadheads
Probably heavenly Death
Processed here, Dammit !!

... What's yours?

Wednesday, 21 February 2007


Organisational Behaviour (日本語だと「組織行動学」かな?)の研究で
How workplace 'bad apples' spoil barrels of good employees

「A rotten apple spoils the barrel」という西洋の諺が元になってます。


内容をかいつまんで言うと、"how, when and why the behaviors of one negative member can have powerful and often detrimental influence on teams and groups" (どのように、いつ、そしてなぜ、一人のネガティヴなメンバーの態度がチームやグループに悪影響を及ぼすか)ということを研究した結果が載っている。この研究はもちろん彼の学位論文になっただろうし、Research in Organizational Behavior という学術雑誌にも掲載されている。

このネガティヴなメンバーというのは、仕事の分配を公平にしない(自分だけ美味しい所を取り、嫌な仕事から逃げる)、感情的、相対的に文句ばかり言っている、誰か適当な相手を見つけて苛めたり攻撃したりする、などの性格を持つ人間のことだそうだ。この、たった一人の "toxic" であるメンバーがいることにより、チームが全体として悪い方のスパイラルに堕ちて行ってしまう、という傾向があり、挙句の果てには組織全体を駆逐してしまう所まで行ってしまう、ということだそうだ。

もう一つ怖いのは、逆説が成り立たない、ということである。二、三人の良いメンバーが何とかグループを良くしようとしても、その努力はたった一人の「悪貨」のために、ムダに終わってしまう、というのだ。「良貨は悪貨を駆逐できない」のである。そうなると、「悪貨」を見つけた時点で対処しなければならない。一人のネガティヴな従業員の態度は、Virus のように拡散していく。やがて会社全体の機能やシステムを破壊するまでになる、ということが判明したのだから。

さて、このことが分かった時点で、次の問題は、"How can companies avoid experiencing the "bad apple" phenomenon? " である。いわゆる解決策の提議。これを出していくにはさらなる研究が必要だと思われるが、まずは雇用の段階で、きちんとした条件のもとに、人員を選び出す必要がある。性格テスト(例:MBIT)などを導入して、チームメンバーを構成する必要がある。しかしながら現時点では、その人を一人でやる仕事に回すか(隔離)、止めさせるか(駆除)、しかないようだ。彼の研究の今後に期待するとしよう。

Tuesday, 20 February 2007


  • Business Communications 3クラス(Second year)
  • Production & Management Systems  1~2クラス(Second year)
  • Quality Management 2クラス(Third year)

オーストラリアでは、学士課程は平均で3年間の履修期間です。各科目の単位は 10 pt で、 240 pt 取れば卒業です。だから24科目の履修ということになります。最低3科目、最高で6科目の登録が各学期に許されています。頑張れば2年間で学位の取得が可能、というわけです。

各科目は週に一回で、講義が2時間、Tutorial と呼ばれる個別クラスが1時間の、計3時間です。13週間の内容で、初回がイントロ、最終回が総集編、みたいな感じで、間に中間試験が入ったりするので、実質は10回のシリーズになっています。

科目担当は「Convenor」、講義担当は「Lecturer」、クラス担当は「Tutor」がします。Convenor は全てを兼任する場合があります。Tutorial は複数のクラスから自分の都合の良い「時間」で選びます。Tutor で選ぶことはできません。どのクラスも内容は大体同じです。Tutorial では講義のおさらいは上級になればなるほど、しません。ケース・スタディやディスカッションなど、応用問題をこなしていきます。講義でセオリー、クラスでプラクティス(実践)、という具合です。車の免許みたいなもんですね。学科をやって実地をやって、ハンコをもらっていく。




Monday, 19 February 2007

文系の博士号、難しすぎ? 理系の3分の1以下

読んで一言、「バカじゃなかろうか」と思った。 の記述について。文系の博士号、難しすぎ? 理系の3分の1以下

文部科学省の調査だっていうから、元の情報を検索した。 どうやらこれがそうだ。

この中で使われた参考資料の表をグラフに直して、 は掲載した模様。


まあ、細かいことはおいといて、 の記述に戻るとしよう。



文科省は05年9月の中央教育審議会(文科相の諮問機関)の答申を受け、大学院教育について学問研究とともに人材育成面にも力点を置く方針を打ち出し、その一環で修業年限内の学位授与を促している。同省の担当者は、文系の現状について「ちょっと低すぎる」とし、「どの程度の授与率が適当か、各大学院で考えてほしい」と話している。 (




(文部科学省 調査資料)



こんな現状だから、社会科学や人文科学の「科学」がつく分野での研究をしている人は外国に行って学位を取ろうとしてるんだと思う。日本では「科学」がつくことを認めていないような傾向があるものね。日本で、Ontology とか、Epistemology とかちゃんと教えられる人が何人いるんだろうか。Research Methods や、Methodology をちゃんと教えられる人がどれだけいるんだろうか。
